# Getting Started

# 1.Login

If user login for the first timeYou must use the SMS shortcut to log in. After successful login, the login mobile number will be automatically registered as a user account. Enter the access address of HapyTeam in the browser address column, such as: https://hapyteam.com/ , click the SMS shortcut login page, enter the mobile number, enter the verification code after human-machine verification, and click to start using. User login

If you have registered an account, you can log in with the account password. Refer toUser login

If you forget the password of your account, please refer toUser loginPerform password reset operation

# 2.User Information

If user login for the first timeAfter entering the product homepage, user information maintenance is required.

# 1.Binding Mailbox

When the user is not bound to the mailbox, enter the user account information maintenance page, enter the mailbox account in the click mail input box, click the Bind mailbox button, and wait for the prompt information. Bind mailbox

Enter the email and copy the link attached to the authentication email to the browser. If the user bound to the browser has already logged in, it will jump to the authentication success page.

Open the browser with the link in the authentication email, and only log in to the user bound to the mailbox or not Bind mailbox

Enter the mailbox and copy the link attached to the authentication message to the browser. If no user is logged in to the browser, the page will jump to the login page. After logging in to the user bound to the mailbox, the page will jump to the authentication success page

After opening the authentication link, if the user is not logged in, they will automatically jump to the login page and can only log in using the user bound to the email Bind mailbox Bind mailbox

After binding the mailbox account, you can log in using the mailbox account/password combination only after the mailbox authentication workflow

# 2.Setting Username

Enter the user account information maintenance page, enter the username in the username input box, set the password, click the Save button, wait for the prompt information, and set the password as follows

The username can only be set once and cannot be changed after setting. The username is a string consisting of 4 to 16 characters including letters, numbers, underscores, and minus signs username

# 3.Setting Password

Enter the user account information maintenance page, enter the password and confirm the password, click Save, and wait for the prompt information

The password format includes letters, numbers and special characters, and is between 8-18 digits. The password input box supports switching between ciphertext and plaintext display password

# 4.Setting Usernickname

The user nickname system is set to the user's login mobile phone number by default. After entering the user nickname, select the information to be entered on the user's basic maintenance page, and then click the * * Save * * button at the bottom

User nickname is required

User nickname is mainly used to display various project member lists, file and file directory creator, check in and check out person and other information usernickname

# 3.Create Project

On the project homepage, click the Create New Project card to enter the project creation page Create Project

On the Create Project page, click the Create Project button to pop up the project name pop-up box, enter the project name, and click Submit to jump to the project setting page

The project name cannot contain /: * ?;<>| The length of equal characters and project names is between 1 and 100 digits Create Project

On the project setting page, you can set various properties of the project. For specific settings, refer toProject basic attribute settings Create Project

# 4.Invite Members

If the project you created needs to invite project members, please refer toInvite project members

# 5.New Folder

Select the level of file directory to create in the project structure tree on the left of the project file management page, and click the New Folder button on the top right corner of the project file management page to pop up the new file directory pop-up box Create file directory

Enter the file directory name in the pop-up box, click the Submit button, and wait for the prompt information

The directory name cannot contain /: * ?;<>|, And cannot exceed 25 characters directory

# 6.Upload File

In the project file management page left project structure tree, select the level of file directory to upload the file, click the Upload button at the top right corner of the project file management page, and the upload file pop-up box will pop up Upload file

In the Upload File pop-up box, click Click Upload or drag the file directly to select the upload file

Up to 10 files can be uploaded at a time, and each file size should not exceed 32M (specific format files such as Dwg format files for 3D software cannot be uploaded on the web page, and the corresponding software plugin must be used to complete the upload) Upload

After selecting the file to be uploaded, a list of files to be uploaded will be generated in the Upload File pop-up box. You can deselect the file to be uploaded by clicking the Delete button after the file to be uploaded Upload

After managing the files to be uploaded, click the Upload File button in the Upload File pop-up box, and wait for the upload completion prompt message Upload

# 7.File Management

# 1.Check In

Click the More Operations button of the file to be checked in, and click the Check In button to pop up the check in file pop-up box Check in

In the Upload File pop-up box, click Click Upload or drag the file directly to select the checked in file

When checking in a file, the checked in file must be a file with the same content as the checked out file name, and the size of the checked in file must not exceed 100M Check in

After selecting the file to be checked in, a list of files to be uploaded will be generated in the Upload File pop-up box. You can deselect the file to be checked in by clicking the Delete button after the file to be uploaded Check in

After organizing the files to be uploaded, click the Upload File button in the Upload File pop-up box, and wait for the upload completion prompt message until the files are complete Check in Check in

# 2.Check Out

Users can complete the checkout operation through the menu corresponding to the file or directory. Click on the More Operations button of the file or directory to be checked out, and then click the Check Out button. After successful checkout, the resource will be downloaded

When checking out a file directory, if there are already checked out files in the file directory, otherwise the file directory error will be detected Check out Check out

After the file is checked out, the version of the file will+1

If you have multiple files to check out, you can refer toCheck out

# 3.Change State

Click the More Operations button of the file to change status, and click the Change State button. If the lifecycle template is not set to cross nodes, the previous or next node of the current node of the file lifecycle will pop up on the left. If the lifecycle is set to cross nodes, all nodes after the current node in the lifecycle template will pop up on the left. For operations such as cross-node lifecycle, refer to [Lifecycle Node Management] (/pages_en/gostart/setup/Lifecycle% 20node% 20management. md)

When the lifecycle state changes from released to designed, the file version will automatically be upgraded Change file status

Click the Life Cycle Node button to enter, wait for prompt information, upgrade workflow of life cycle information, etc., refer toLifecycle node management

If the workflow to switch the status is consistent with the upgrade workflow of the life cycle, the version of the file will enter the next node after changing the file status Change file status

# 4.Attachment

Click the More Operations button of the file to be attached, and click the Attachment button to open the attached file interface Additional files

On the left side of the attached file interface, click to select the file directory where the attached file is located. In the file list on the right side, click Check box to select one or more files under the file directory as the attached file, click Attachment and wait for the prompt message

The attached files of the same version cannot be attached repeatedly, and the attached files of different versions can be attached; The checked out file cannot be attached Additional files

After the attached file is successful, you can view the information of the attached file on the Uses tab of the attached file, or you can view the file information of the attached file on the Where Used page of the attached file Additional files Additional files

# 5.Delete

To delete a file or file directory, click the More Operations button of the file or file directory to be deleted, and click the Delete button to open the deletion confirmation dialog box

If the file directory is deleted, there must be no checked out files in the deleted file directory, otherwise the deletion will fail, Checked out files cannot be deleted Delete file

Click the Confirm button in the deletion confirmation dialog box and wait for the deletion completion prompt message Delete file

If you have multiple files to delete, you can refer toDelete file

# 6.Share

Click the More Operations button of the file to be shared, and click the Share button to pop up the file sharing pop-up window

File sharing

Set the The period of validity and Operation, and then click the The Link button, wait for the sharing link to be generated, and then click the Copy Link button

File sharing File sharing

Open the link in the browser, log in to the user, wait for the download interface to pop up, and click the Preview button to Preview the shared file File sharing

# 7.Download

To download a file, click the More Operations button of the file to be downloaded, and click the Download button. The file will be downloaded automatically after the operation is successful Download files

# 8.Purge

The file cleaning version can clear the non-critical version of the file to facilitate the version management of the file pair; Click the More Operations button of the version file to be cleaned, and click the Purge button

If there is no cleanable version of the file, a prompt message that there is no cleanable version of the file will pop up

Clean up version

If there is a cleanable version of the file, the cleanable version pop-up window will pop up, click and check the version to be cleaned, click the Submit button, and wait for the prompt information

When a file has a version, the version cannot be cleaned

When a file has more than one version, other versions other than the latest version can be cleaned up

When a version file is referenced by other files, this version file cannot be cleaned up

When the version file lifecycle is in the upgrade workflow node of the lifecycle, this version cannot be cleaned up

When a version of a file is labeled, it cannot be cleaned up

# 9.Archive

Click the More Operations button in the operation column of the file to be archived, wait for the operation list to appear, click the Archive option, and wait for the archiving completion prompt message

Only files that have not been checked out can be archived. After archiving, the file will appear with the archived status flag. The archived file can only be packaged, downloaded, shared, and archived

File archiving

File archiving

Click the More operations button in the operation column of the archived file line, wait for the operation list to appear, click the Unarchive option, and wait for the prompt message of completing the cancellation archiving

Only archived files can be undone

File archiving

# 10.Add Label

In the file list, click the More Actions button for the file you want to add a label to, click the Add Label, and a pop-up window will pop up. After entering the label name, click the label name Then click the confirm button, the label is successfully added, and the newly added label can be viewed in the label list Add label Add label Add label

# 11.Annotate

Please refer to the operation of circling commentsCircle comments

# 12.WorkFlow

The initiation and workflowing workflow can be referred toworkflow